World of Dog Training
Dog Training For The Real World
Training programs that give you the dream dog you imagined the first day you brought them home.
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Top 10 Dog Training Secrets

How We Are Different
Modern Balanced Dog Training
We believe there is more than one way to get the end result. We teach you and your dog the method and approach that you feel happy and confident using, with super fast results.
We Teach You To Speak Dog
A huge part of our system is to honor the dog in front of us. That means we teach you to tune into what your dog is saying through it’s body language, soul and energy. It’s so cool once you do it, you may get the chills.
Focused On Your Priorities

Welcome to the
World of Dog Training South Bay LA & LBC
Services to Bark About

Real World 1:1 Lessons
We work with you and coach you and your dog!
Finding yourself at a loss with what to do about your dog’s naughty behavior, especially with all the noise and self- proclaimed dog pros online? If you value your time and want to get to the good stuff with lasting results in warp speed then private one on one lessons are for you. You’ll discover our time tested and proven results system 3-D Learning ™. The best part of it all is you’ll see results during your first lesson.
All Inclusive Board & Train
Let us do the work for you!
If you’re super busy or have a trip coming we can board and train your dog. Your doggo will stay with a trainer everyday for 1-2 weeks. Upon completion of the training you will now have an off leash dog with and without distractions that’s happy, confident and obedient. Your dog will: sit, come, down, stay, place, not beg, not bolt out the door, heel loose leash walk, go on daily field trips with this program.

Unlimited 1:1 Real World Lessons
Risk Free & Guaranteed Results
If you have a young dog and want your dog to be the coolest and most well behaved dog in your hood or if you seek nothing but the best in everything you do then this program is for you. This package is our risk free and guaranteed results unlimited private lessons for the life of your dog training option. It’s by far the best value of anything we offer. If you love value and getting a deal then you found it because we will give you as many lessons as you need, anywhere you want, and of course they are real world resulting in you being able to take your dog with you to all your favorite places, especially off leash even around distractions and yes even around squirrels.

Our training system has produced life changing results for both humans and their dogs
Dogs Trained
Lessons Given
As seen on

You Have Questions, We Have Answers:
How long are lessons?
We can assure you, you’ll love our answer. Lessons are trained to result, not time. That means we aren’t checking our watch nor do you pay extra for doing a long lesson. Most lessons are 1-2 hours.
How often do we meet for lessons?
We appreciate this question as it shows your dedication. For best results we like to see you every 7-10 days for a lesson.
How much do lessons cost?
We know that money matters, however we hope you value results over price. From our experience clients that are results focused are a good fit for our program versus those that are calling around price shopping. You will get an exact price once you meet with us, however the price varies between $1,000-$2,500 depending on the type of program.
What methods do you use?
In the dog training world there are two schools of thought. One reward only, the other correct only. We believe in both. That’s why we offer modern balanced dog training. When we talk, we will go over the variety of training tools which are food (reward), leash/collar, and stimulation collar (super low level like a tap on the shoulder). You get to decide the method that works best for you and your dog once we share the pros and cons of each method.
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